
identify five potential difficulties that might

Identify FIVE potential difficulties that might arise for an organisation following the introduction of a new system if support and training are inadequate.

Inefficient operations

Systems operations may initially be slower and less efficient because of a lack of user confidence and/or unfamiliarity with the latest system.


This lack of confidence and unfamiliarity with the latest system may lead to accidental errors in processing leading to information formed by the system being incorrect or misleading.

Staff anxiety and loss of morale 

Without knowledge and information there may be a fear of the latest system's effect on jobs. This could lead to anxiety and stress and a lowering of motivation.

Disruptive behaviour

If support and training are inadequate, staff might be feel inadequate and be reluctant to use the new system, possibly continuing with old ways of operating or being uncooperative or confrontational with management.

A failure to realise the benefits of the new system

Most systems are purchased or introduced only after some appraisal of the costs and the advantages weighed against one another


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Strategic Management: identify five potential difficulties that might
Reference No:- TGS0288912

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