Question 1: Identify five (5) important items of personal safety when working on final drive assemblies in an automotive workplace?
Question 2: What are the precautions that you should be aware of when handling final drive oil?
Question 3: How should waste final drive assembly oils be stored and disposed?
Question 4: When handling, trapping, storing and disposing of new or waste final drive oils, which document should you use to find this information.
Question 5: What are hypoid gears and why?are hypoid gears used?
Question 6: Ring and pinion gear sets are normally classified as?
Question 7: Define final drive?
Question 8: Describe the function of a differential?
Question 9: Describe the action of differential side gears when the vehicle is cornering.
Question 10: Describe the four (4) distinct modes the vehicle should be operated in during a road test when diagnosing final drive problems.
Question 11: What two (2) conditions are usually the first symptoms to be noticed when a differential or drive axle shaft problem occurs?
Question 12: Consider the various noises that could originate from the rear-axle assembly, and the faults associated with such noises.
Question 13: Describe how to measure ring and pinion gear set backlash.
Question 14: Explain how pinion bearing preload is set?
Question 15: What can happen if the pinion bearing preload was set incorrectly?
Question 16: Why is it very important that the Job Card is completed correctly?
Question 17: Consider the various post repair checks that you would make during a road test on the final drive assembly?
Question 18: Before repairing a banjo final drive assembly. What five (5) pre-dismantling checks that should be carried out.