
Identify feasibility of incorporating technology in training


Your organization has decided to invest in online learning. This may include computer-facilitated training and computer-based self-instruction. You have been asked to identify a pilot study to test the feasibility of incorporating more technology in training.

Describe the topic(s) to be taught, who will participate, and an outline of the training. Also, identify the learning outcomes and how learning will be assessed. Finally, describe plans for formative evaluation.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

You are a member of an organization investment in on line learning may include Computer based training and computer based self instruction.

Describe the topic (s) to be taught, participants and outline of training:

Identify learning outcomes

Identify assessment method

Describe the formative evaluation:

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Other Subject: Identify feasibility of incorporating technology in training
Reference No:- TGS01938935

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