
Identify examples of promotion for social change

Discuss the below:

Community Benefit vs. Organizational Benefit

Perhaps you have been to a health fair sponsored by a local hospital in your community. Who benefits from such an effort? When you or your neighbors are screened for signs of illness (hypertension, for instance) or learn about available services, clearly the promotion benefits you, but what about the hospital? Having its name associated with "community service" benefits the institution. Any patients and/or clients the institution attracts may also result in some financial benefit, even if the organization is ostensibly "non-profit."

Identify examples of promotion for social change in your community and analyze whether the promotion benefits the community, the organization, or both.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Identify two local health care providers and identify an example of each organization's effort in promoting a service or services as a form of positive social change. One of the organizations should be for-profit, the other, not-for-profit.

Create a brief description of how each organization's promotion fosters social change. Then, evaluate how each organization's marketing promotion benefits the community and how it benefits the organization. Finally, for each example of marketing promotion you have identified, analyze whether the interest of the community and the interest of the organization are in conflict. Briefly comment on how the promotions of the for-profit and non-profit organizations differ and how they are similar.

You must Support your work with specific citations

Fortenberry, J. L., Jr., Elrod, J. K., & McGoldrick, P. J. (2010). Is billboard advertising beneficial for healthcare organizations? An investigation of efficacy and acceptability to patients. Journal of Healthcare Management, 55(2), 81-9 5.

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Other Management: Identify examples of promotion for social change
Reference No:- TGS01795324

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