
Identify essential questions andor unit objectives

Content Area: Mental and Emotional Health among 6-12 group age.

Lesson Title:Anxiety Disorder.

1). Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson.

a. How is anxiety disorders connected to lack of mental development?

b. What are the main causes of anxiety disorders among the 6-12 age groups?

2). Connect the performance indicators to the national or state learning standards.

a. NHES 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
Performance Indicators

• Student will analyze common advertising techniques and describe how it impacts decision making.

• Studentwill differentiate valid information from preferred social media.

b. NHES 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Performance Indicators

• Student will demonstrate how to use "I" messages to express needs, wants, and feelings in family and peer situations.

• Student -with mental or emotional health problems- will demonstrate ways to ask for help.

3). Describe any prior knowledge or focus from previous learning;

Students are aware that developmental stage between ages 6-12 is important for mental development.

Students are aware of the implications that parents have on the development of a child.

The different types of diets have an impact on development of anxiety disorders as well as physical activities.

Students are aware of the existence of counseling services that may help deal with anxiety disorders among children.

4). Describe how the teacher will assess to determine student learning.

Learning Objectives Activity/Strategy Assessment description

By the end of this lesson, the learner will demonstrate ability to list all the anxiety-causing factors and list the various ways in which parents may be involved in minimization of risk factors related to anxiety disorders. Undertake writing exercise highlighting the various causative factors for a prospective child suffering from anxiety disorders. Each student will submit a coherent paragraph to the instructor for grading and correction.

By the end of this lesson, the learner will demonstrate the ability to plan for the correct steps when dealing with another "friend" who has an anxiety disorder. The instructor will require the learners to demonstrate ability to plan for corrective measures using their classmates as the prospective patients of the disorders. "Group activity". Each student will demonstrate ability to use their communicational skill to deal with another peer with stress disorders.

By the end of this lesson, the learner willdemonstrate the ability to identify the children with anxiety disorders given specific symptoms and signs. The students will state the various symptoms of children with anxiety disorders and discuss each of the symptoms with colleagues. The instructor while offering corrections to the learners will evaluate the symptoms and discussions.

Materials/Preparation: Textbooks, internet connection, papers, pens, and notes handouts.



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Dissertation: Identify essential questions andor unit objectives
Reference No:- TGS01717830

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