
Identify each painting with the artist title and date


Read Chapter 6 of our text and do outside research regarding Edward Said's discourse surrounding Orientalism. Summarize 2 of Said's main points IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Next, use Said's critical perspective to discuss 2 Orientalist paintings by Gerome and Ingres reproduced in Chapter 6 of our text or 2 others by Gerome and Ingres. Identify each painting with the artist, title, and date. Describe each painting carefully. What aspects of each painting is Orientalist? How do the paintings illustrate Said's argument? Conclude your essay with a discussion of how you see Orientalism operating in our country today.

Identify at least 2 film or television images that embody Orientalist perspectives. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, free of all spelling and grammatical errors, no plagiarism, Chicago Style formatting with footnotes and bibliography. Be sure that you answer the question asked in its entirety and be sure to proofread your answer.

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Dissertation: Identify each painting with the artist title and date
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