
Identify each of these seven traitsbehaviors by its

Identify each of these seven traits/behaviors by its personality dimension. Write the appropriate letter in the blank before each item. a. surgencysb. agreeableness c. adjustment d. conscientiousnes e. openness to experience

1. The manager is influencing the follower to do the job the way the leader wants it done.

2. The sales representative submitted the monthly expense report on time as usual.

3. The leader is saying a warm, friendly good morning to followers as they arrive at work.

4. The leader is seeking ideas from followers on how to speed up the flow of work.

5. As a follower is yelling a complaint, the leader calmly explains what went wrong.

6. The leader is being very quiet when meeting some unexpected visitors in the work unit.

7. The leader is giving in to a follower to avoid a conflict.

8. A leader assigns a task to one follower, giving him very specific instructions. Then the leader gives another assignment to a different follower, telling her to complete the task any way she wants to.

9. A leader is engaged in getting the production line working.

10. A leader is acting very nervous while she is disciplining an employee.

11. A leader tells a follower that he can have Tuesday off next week. But the next day, the leader tells the follower that he has changed his mind.

12. A leader very attentively listens to the follower complain, then paraphrases the complaint back to the follower.

13. A leader in situation 8 above is still working to solve the problem; it’s her fifth attempt.

14. A leader is telling her manager that her unit’s poor performance is not her fault; she says that the employees are lazy and there is nothing she can do to improve performance.

15. A leader is telling his manager that his department is right on schedule to meet the deadline, hoping that he can catch up before the boss finds out otherwise.

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Operation Management: Identify each of these seven traitsbehaviors by its
Reference No:- TGS01511126

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