
Identify each iep meeting participant


Watch the YouTube video "Mock IEP Meeting: A Student with Special Needs".

• Question I: Identify each IEP meeting participant. For each participant, describe his/her role in the IEP meeting, body language, and use of oral or sign language. In your brief descriptions, you analyze the cultural sensitivity of each participant. You will also determine if the participant welcoming and family-centered? Your analysis and determine must include specific examples and timestamps of relevant moments that you find in the video. You may present this information in table format.

• Question II: For each participant, list his/her contributions to an overview of the strengths and challenges of the student. Remember, each participant represents a different perspective. Therefore, his/her contributions will not be identical. The answers to this question paint a portrait of the student and should list specific descriptions of the child that are provided by each participant. Your answers should focus on those characteristics that link directly to the family/school collaboration or success in the classroom. You may present this answer in a table format.

• Question III: What is the current diagnosis of disability for the student? What are his/her current accommodations? If you were invited into the IEP meeting, what questions would you have for the student that relate to his/her accommodations or disability? Should the student have been included in this meeting? Why or why not?

• Question IV: Based on what you have learned through each participant, do the current accommodations seem appropriate? Why or why not? Would you add or modify any of them? Why or why not?

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Reference No:- TGS03220245

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