
Identify critical issues - develop a concise and structured

Management and Business Context - Business Analysis Essay

Assessment - Organisational Analysis Group Presentation & Report

Building on the analysis of an organisation begun in Assessment Item 1 you will analyse a contextual factor in relation to that same organisation.

Topic - "Victorian Taxi and Innovation"

This assignment has three components:

a) Organisational Analysis: Group presentation


Groups will be provided with a list of organisations linked to a specific contextual factor from Topics 6-11.

You must choose the contextual factor and its corresponding organisation from the list provided on the next slide; you cannot choose any other organisation.

The presentation should consist of referenced slides that are narrated in a professional manner.

A minimum of 12-16 academic sources must be used to further research and investigate the business organisation and contextual factor.

The organisations and contextual factors that will be examined in the presentation are:
BDO and Governance OR
Victoria Taxi and Innovation OR
Specialty Fashion Group and eCommerce Issues OR
Simcoa and Regionalisation OR
Seimens and Globalisation OR
Inpex and Cross-Cultural Management
You should adopt the perspective of a group of professional consultants providing strategic advice to the CEO, manager or Board of Directors of the business organisation.

In relation to the contextual factor and organisaton:

Assess the impact of the contextual factor.

Identify critical issues around the contextual factor.

Generate a series of appropriate recommendations that will enhance the performance of the specific business organisation.

Develop a concise and structured presentation with introduction, main presentation, conclusion and recommendations.
Effectively use visual and oral communication delivered within the allocated time to expected professional standards.
Utilise the speci?c contextual factor, explain key details and assess their impact on the relevant business organisation.

b) Organisational Analysis: Individual feedback and recommendation

You are required to provide peer evaluation and feedback to each of the other groups in your tutorial class.

In addition, you must recommend solutions to contemporary challenges facing the business discussed in each presentation that is done by other groups in your tutorial class.

You will be provided with a form to complete each week and this will be collected at the end of the tutorial.

This is an individual mark and will be added to the ?nal mark for this group assessment item.

Therefore, it is possible that each group member will receive different marks for the group assignment; a group mark plus an individual mark.

c) Organisational Analysis: Group Report

1500 words

You are to write a report that summaries the main content of the presentation.

A minimum of 12-16 academic sources must be used to further research and investigate the business organisation and contextual factor.

You are to assess the impact of the contextual factor, identify the critical issues and generate a series of appropriate recommendations that will enhance the performance of the speci?c business organization.

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Dissertation: Identify critical issues - develop a concise and structured
Reference No:- TGS02721651

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