This case study has been developed to enhance your understanding of some of the basic chapter material. Be sure to follow all instructions contained within this assignment found at the end of chapter 05.
A. Identify components of employee satisfaction requiring improvement based on parameters outlined by a healthcare organization
B. Outline action steps for improving employee satisfaction that incorporate strategic planning and change management initiatives
C. Identify the collaboration, negotiation, and conflict management skills required to deploy the performance improvement plans
Steps to this Assignment
For the assignment, go to the end of chapter 05 and find the case study. Read all of the information about this study including objectives, instructions, scenario and expected deliverables.
Mary Beth is the director of HIM at a large acute-care healthcare organization. Every three years the healthcare organization undertakes a hospital-wide employee survey in which information is collected from employees regarding job satisfaction and other components. The 2015 employee survey assessed the following components:
A. Alignment of employee goals with healthcare organization's mission and vision-including questions reflecting employee awareness of the organization's mission and vision and how it impacts individual jobs within the organization
B. Employee job satisfaction-Assessment of the employee's satisfaction with job tasks, peer group relationships, and employee-manager relationships in regard to overall job performance
C. Work-life balance-Evaluation of the employee's perception of the balance between work and home life
D. Communication within the healthcare organization-evaluated communication at the organizational level, departmental level, and work area level.