
Identify clearly the topics you have chosen to discuss and

"Faith Seeking Understanding"

Recently, America Magazine, A National Catholic Review, printed its exclusive interview with Pope Francis. The article, A Big Open Heart to God is a provocative glimpse into the heart, mind and theology of Pope Francis. This extra-credit assignment offers an opportunity to read an insightful article, ponder Pope Francis' liberative lens to traditional theology, reflect deeply on the insights he brings to contemporary topics and improve your final grade.

You are free to determine your own topic and theme of your paper. The only requirement is that you choose at least one topic/theological issue that Pope Francis reflects upon during the interview. Discuss Pope Francis' perspective in light of the teaching of the Catholic Church and your reflections upon his comments in light of your theological lens and insights gleaned from our class this semester.

The paper should:

- Identify clearly the topic(s) you have chosen to discuss;
- Discuss the topic in light of the teachings of the Church (the theology of the topic);
- Express your personal reflections and insights on the topic and Pope Francis' comments in the interview

Your paper should be 900-1200 words. MAX: 1200 words. Depending upon its quality, you will receive from 0 to 5 points towards your final grade [e.g., 85 (B) +5 = 90 (A-)] 

It is also posted on https://www.americamagazine.org/pope-interview

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Other Subject: Identify clearly the topics you have chosen to discuss and
Reference No:- TGS0644506

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