Identify clearly the cultural origin of the given story


1) Write the intro and conclusion for the entire project.

You have now researched all aspects of your plant. It is time to write an introduction and a meaningful conclusion and make recommendations for its use. Back up your recommendations! This should be about 1200 words total.
Topic plant: Calendula

• Overall Introduction
• Short Introduction on common uses
• Common Uses
• Basic information
• Treatments, cures
• Growth habitats
• Preparation for medicinal use
• Short introduction about faulty argumentation
• 4 identified arguments, labeled, explained and referenced
• Created advertisement
• Short introduction on Mythology
• Stories, Myths, Superstitions about your chosen plant
• Identify clearly the cultural origin of the story
• Short introduction on medical evidence
• Scientific evidence that your plant works
• Medical or clinical studies
• Chemical components including chemical structures (this is important!)
• Your recipe and its uses
• Picture of your product
• Overall Conclusion

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English: Identify clearly the cultural origin of the given story
Reference No:- TGS01947841

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