
Identify characteristics of an effective evaluation system


Business Policy and Strategy

David, F.R. (2011). Strategic management: Concepts and cases (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Create a 200 words  each:

1. Discuss some of the reasons why strategy evaluation is becoming increasingly difficult with the passage of time.

2. Identify some characteristics of an effective evaluation system.

3. What are some of the reasons for and against the U.S. adopting international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

4. What are the most commonly used quantitative criteria to evaluate strategies? Give several examples of these criteria.

5. Discuss how Japan is dealing with problems associated with an aging and shrinking workforce. Would any of the Japanese techniques work outside of Japan?

6. List five reasons why preserving the environment should be a permanent part of doing business. Do you agree with all of them? Explain your rationale.

7. Explain why whistle-blowing is important to encourage in a firm. Provide an example where whistle-blowing made a positive impact.

8. Identify how business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are interrelated. Provide a specific example from a current company.

Standards of Healthcare

Makely, S. (2012). Professionalism in health care: A primer for career success (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Create a 300 words minimum or more for each question

1. What are some behaviors you should avoid during your practicum?

2. While you are on your practicum, you are helping out with the patient files. While you are working, you come across the file of one of your favorite teachers from high school. Lately, you have heard rumors about him being ill, maybe even terminally ill. While no one is in the room, you take a peek at his medical file. Is this the type of behavior you should be exhibiting during your practicum? Why, or why not? Explain the rules that you should be following when handling patients' confidential medical records.

3. How can you ensure that you are putting your best foot forward during your practicum?

4. Discuss the purpose of a practicum and the benefits that come from participating in a practicum.

5. Identify methods of preparing for your practicum. Do you feel it is important to take steps to prepare for the practicum before it begins? Why, or why not?

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