
Identify catalyst for the spanish-american-cuban war

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Chapter1 of Howard Zinn's The Twentieth Century.

1. A State Department list of armed interventions between 1798 and 1895, lists

a. 25 sites, including Europe and the Middle East
b. 50 locations, including Europe and the Middle East
c. over 50 citations, including Latin America and the Far East
d. over 100, including Latin America, Japan, China and West Africa

2. Theodore Roosevelt expressed sentiments that indicated he

a. thought all men were equal
b. was contemptuous of races he felt were inferior
c. supported complete racial equality
d. disliked Italians

3. The catalyst (spark) for the Spanish-American-Cuban war was

a. the invasion of Florida by the Spanish
b. the invasion of Florida by the Cubans
c. an explosion on the U.S. battleship Maine causing the deaths of 268 men
d. the seizure of an American battleship by the Spanish

4. On the matter of going to war, the country

a. was united in its pro-war sentiment
b. was deeply divided on the virtues of expansionism
c. thought the whole country would benefit by a victory over Spain
d. had no sympathy for the Cuban rebels against the legitimate rule of the island by Spain

5. Immediately after the war,

a. the Americans went in to help the Cubans rebuild their economy
b. American businesses began trading with Cuban owned businesses
c. American business interests took over Cuban businesses and mineral resources
d. Congress passed legislation to allow Cuban goods into the United States without tariffs

6. In 1901, Congress passed legislation which gave it the right to intervene in Cuban affairs called

a. the Teller Amendment
b. the Platt Amendment
c. The Cuban Constitutional Amendment
d. The Cuban-American Free Trade Agreement

7. As a result of the Spanish-American-Cuban War, the U.S. also occupied the Philippines

a. whose people welcomed the American armies
b. but had to fight a three-year war against rebel troops before subduing the islands
c. and installed a democratic regime
d. whose people then converted to Christianity

8. The last decade of the nineteenth century was

a. a time of intense racism in the United States
b. a period of quiet in race relations in the United States
c. witnessed renewed hope for black-white cooperation based on a common mission of expansion and economic growth
d. saw a move towards integration of society

9. Black troops fighting in the Philippines

a. largely supported the war effort
b. deserted in unusually large numbers during the campaign
c. did not identify with the Filipino rebels
d. wrote letters against the war

10. Prominent members of the Anti-Imperialist League were

a. Henry James, Elihu Root and Mark Twain
b. William James, Elihu Root and Mark Twain
c. William James, Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie
d. Henry Cabot Lodge, Mark Twain and Andrew Carnegie

Questions for Chapter 2 of Howard Zinn's The Twentieth Century

1. Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle, was about

a. a safari to Africa
b. the meatpacking industry in Chicago
c. the railroad industry
d. cruelty to animals

2. Frederick W. Taylor was best known for his

a. book on the "scientific management" of work which led to the use of production lines in American factories
b. book on the "scientific management" of industry which encouraged the introduction of new developments in science to produce better goods
c. book on the exploitation of labor which led to laws regulating business abuse of workers
d. work in advocating for the rights of immigrants

3. In March, 1911, almost 150 women were killed in a fire in the

a. International Ladies Garment Factory
b. Triangle Shirtwaist Company
c. Macy's Department Store
d. docks of the port of New York

4. The motto of the I.W.W. ( which stands for _____________) was

a. One Big Union - International Workers of the World
b. Solidarity Forever - Industrial World of Work
c. One Big Union - Industrial Workers of the World
d. none of the above

5. The predominant ideology of the IWW was

a. communism
b. socialism
c. capitalism
d. anarcho-syndicalism

6. Helen Keller who had conquered blindness and deafness to become a spokesperson for the disabled advocated the cause of

a. capitalism
b. socialism
c. anarchism
d. fascism

7. A militant activist and intellectual of the Black movement of the last nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was

a. Booker T. Washington
b. Martin Luther King
c. W.E.B. DuBois
d. Thurgood Marshall

8. According to Gabriel Kolko

a. the Progressive Era served capitalism more than it reformed it
b. the Progressive Era was a conspiracy of socialists
c. the Progressive Era hindered the development of capitalism in the United States
d. the Progressive Era fundamentally changed the course of American capitalism

9. The "Ludlow Massacre" of April 1914 was

a. a machine gun attack on miners, including women and children, in Colorado during a coal strike
b. an Indian raid on settlers in the West
c. battle in the first days of World War I
d. an attack on textile workers in Massachusetts during a strike supported by the IWW

10. At the same time as the Ludlow Massacre, American warships attacked a coastal city in a. Cuba b. Nicaragua c. Venezuela d. Mexico Questions for Chapter 3 of Howard Zinn, War is the Health of the State 1. When Randolph Bourne said "War is the health of the state," he meant

a. that patriotism refreshed people's commitment to the country
b. that war diverted people from opposing the state
c. that war kept enemies from attacking and destroying the state
d. that peace was a stagnant condition

2. The immediate cause of America's entry into World War I was

a. the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans
b. the explosion on the Maine
c. the bombing of Pearl Harbor
d. the attack of Britain by the Germans

3. W.E.B. DuBois attributed the cause of the First World War to the struggle over

a. Europe
b. the Ottoman Empire
c. Africa
d. Asia

4. In the first call to arms, the American people

a. showed a reluctance to join the armed forces
b. wholeheartedly supported the war effort
c. join the armed forces in record numbers
d. understood the importance of going to war against Germany

5. The strength of Socialism was shown by

a. the number of people who voted socialist in the municipal elections of 1917
b. patriotism towards the country and against the enemy, Germany
c. the call by Woodrow Wilson to fight a war "for democracy"
d. the Supreme Court's rulings on the First Amendment

6. In the spirit of academic freedom, prominent universities

a. encouraged dissent and discussion about the war
b. opposed the firing or disciplining of anti-war activists
c. insisted on maintaining open dialogue
d. fired dissenters and discouraged opposition to the war

7. Both before and after the war, the United States government

a. protected the rights of political groups
b. actively destroyed the headquarters and files of left-wing groups
c. maintained democracy on the homefront
d. refused to use the courts against radicals

8. Particularly hard hit by the government were the

a. socialists
b. communists
c. fascists
d. anarchists

9. During the First World War, anti-war speeches were prosecuted under the

a. Espionage Act
b. the First Amendment to the Constitution
c. the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution
d. all of the above

10. In a famous Supreme Court ruling, Oliver Wendell Holmes compared speaking out against the war to

a. aiding and abetting the enemy
b. the activities of Benedict Arnold
c. a justification for the draft law

d. shouting fire in a crowded theatre

Questions for Chapter 4 of Howard Zinn

1. A general strike pits

a. striking workers against the management of a specific business
b. striking workers against the government
c. the management of a specific business against the government
d. the management of all businesses against the government

2. What made the general strike in Seattle most threatening was

a. its close relationship in time to the Russian Revolution
b. the support it received from the international unions in the United States
c. the unity between the IWW and the AFL
d. the rise in crime in the city during the strike

3. In the 1920s, Congress dealt with the immigration question by

a. decreasing the quotas of Western European immigrants
b. increasing the quotas for Eastern European immigrants
c. increasing the quotas from Anglo-Saxon countries
d. severely limiting Latins, Slavs and Jews

4. In terms of the much heralded prosperity fo the 1920s

a. the general level of wages increased for all Americans
b. it was concentrated at the top of the social ladder
c. it affected farmers but not workers
d. it reduced the number of people living in tenements

5. After the war, the political activity

a. of the Socialists was strengthened
b. of the Anarchists was strengthened
c. of the Communists was strengthened
d. all of the above

6. The stock market crashed in

a. 1919
b. 1929
c. 1939
d. 1949

7. A famous novel about farmers who migrated from Oklahoma to California was

a. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
b. Seeds of Revolt by Mauritz Hallgren
c. Brother Can You Spare A Dime? by Yip Harburg
d. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

8. The Bonus Army of 1932 was demanding

a. better working conditions and increased wages for workers
b. payment to veterans of government certificates from World War I
c. payment to veterans of government certificates from World War II
d. year end bonuses for members of the National Guard

9. Franklin Roosevelt tried to stabilize the system in the first months of his first administration by having Congress pass the

a. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) to organize failing agriculture
b. the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to control floods and produce electric power
c. the National Recovery Act (NRA) to fix prices and wages
d. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure savings against bank failures

10. The great organizing drives of labor in the 1930s were the CIO's work

a. in the skilled trades
b. in the mass production industries
c. among farm workers
d. among the unemployed

Questions for Chapter 5 of Howard Zinn

1. Howard Zinn questions the conduct of the United States foreign policy as

a. fighting racism and totalitarianism
b. defending the rights of all peoples of the world
c. supporting the self-determination of nations
d. all of the above

2. The actions of the United States against fascism in the 1930s indicated that it would

a. not tolerate the presence of fascism in any country of Western Europe
b. take a posture of neutrality to fascism in Western Europe
c. go to war to protect the Jews of Germany against anti-Semitism
d. not support the spread of fascism in any way

3. According to Zinn

a. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor and didn't tell
b. Roosevelt deliberately provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
c. Roosevelt like to the public about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor for what he thought was a right cause
d. Roosevelt, like the rest of the country, was taken by surprise by the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor

4. Before the war was over, the administration

a. was planning the outlines of the new international economic order
b. was unclear about what should come after the war
c. was planning the outlines for new democratic regimes for the peoples who had been under colonial rule
d. was helping the resistance movements in the third world draft constitutions similar to ours

5. During the war, the government seized the property and put into internments camps

a. German-Americans
b. Italian-Americans
c. Japanese-Americans
d. Chinese-Americans

6. According to official reports, Hiroshima was chosen as a target of the atomic bomb because it was

a. a military base
b. a high concentration of activities and population
c. the home of the Japanese Emperor
d. the source of kamakazi raids on American troops

7. In the immediate aftermath of the war, many countries, including the United States, experienced

a. a period of political and social unrest

b. peace for the first time in thirty years
c. increased prosperity and social order
d. cooperation between groups in society previously hostile to each other

8. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin spearheaded a drive in Congress to

a. fund the rebuilding of Europe after the destruction of the Second World War
b. pass legislation to improve the lives of working Americans
c. pass legislation regulating immigration into the United States
d. root out all Communist influence in every sector of American life and work

9. In the thirty years after World War II, the United States

a. was able to reduce military spending in favor of domestic programs

b. entered into a period of a "permanent war economy" with a military budget reaching $80 billion
c. managed to increase government spending for social programs while increasing the military budget
d. reduced economic aid to foreign countries in favor of domestic spending

10. The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba resulted in

a. a defeat for the American-sponsored Cuban landing force
b. a web of lies and misrepresentations told to the American people
c. serious questions about freedom of the press d. all of the above

Quiz on Chapter 6 of Zinn

1. The poem, "Lenox Avenue Mural", was written by

a. Claude McKay
b. James Baldwin
c. Langston Hughes
d. Countee Cullen

2. In the 1930s, the political party known to pay special attention to the problem of race equality

a. Democratic
b. Socialist
c. Republican
d. Communist

3. One of the keys to America's trying to solve its race problems after the Second World War was

a. the upsurge of militancy in people of color around the world
b. the presidency of Harry S Truman
c. the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama
d. the Civil Rights Act passed by Congress

4. In 1960, students in North Carolina adopted a technique used by labor in the 1930s called

a. the sitdown strike
b. the general strike
c. non-violence
d. the boycott

5. Malcolm X accused Black leaders of

a. following the directions from the government in the marches on Washington
b. fomenting revolution
c. organizing a grass roots movement
d. informing to the FBI

6. The National Advisory Committee on Urban Disorders blamed the riots on

a. Black militants
b. White racism
c. Black racism
d. Communists

7. In the late 1960s, Huey Newton and others formed a militant group called

a. the Black Panthers
b. the Black Muslims
d. the Urban League

8. In the late 1960s, Martin Luther King came under the scrutiny of

a. the KKK
b. the FBI
c. the Black Muslims
d. the Black Panthers

9. After the Detroit riots, the new emphasis of the government became

a. civil rights legislation
b. "black capitalism"
c. voter registration
d. reverse racism

10. By the mid 1970s, the Black movement had

a. grown increasingly in numbers
b. become more militant
c. largely disappeared
d. turned to Black nationalism

Quiz on Chapter 7 of Zinn

1. During the Second World War, Vietnam was occupied by the

a. British
b. Americans
c. Japanese
d. Chinese

2. After the war, the major powers took the position that

a. Vietnam should be an independent country
b. they should divide the country among themselves
c. Ho Chi Minh D. France should be reinstate as the colonial power over Vietnam

3. In 1945 Ho Chi Minh

a. declared himself a Communist and follower of Mao Tse Tung
b. adopted a Communist regime after the model of the Soviet Union
c. declared independence with a document based on the Declaration of Independence of the US
d. retreated to the North to lead a revolution against the United States

4. The State Department report on the history of colonialism in Vietnam was embodied in the

a. National Security Act
b. the Pentagon Papers
c. the Geneva Convention
d. all of the above

5. The Gulf of Tonkin incident which served as the basis for U.S. involvement in Vietnam

a. was based on false reports of North Vietnamese violation of international waters
b. revealed the interests of Ho Chi Minh in going to war with the United States
c. was thoroughly explained by Secretary of State Dean Rusk in television interviews
d. rallied the American people around the war effort

6. The killing of innocent people by American soldiers was reported in

a. Operation Phoenix
b. My Lai
c. The Village of Ben Suc
d. all of the above

7. The policy of President Richard Nixon to Vietnam included

a. increasing the number of American troops
b. secretly bombing Cambodia
c. Operation Phoenix
d. the Pentagon Papers

8. According to Zinn,

a. the people against the war were almost entirely middle class students
b. those advocating a tough policy came most frequently from highly educated, high status groups
c. working people were most likely to advocate a tough policy in Vietnam
d. the Civil Rights movement ignored the war in Vietnam as an issue

9. By the early 1970s, one of the most powerful anti-war voices came from

a. the military
b. the colleges
c. the factories
d. the media

10. American troops finally left Vietnam in

a. 1970
b. 1972
c. 1973
d. 1975

Quiz on Chapter 8, Zinn

1. The feminist movement of the 1960s led by Betty Friedan grew out of

a. a concern for the plight of working class women
b. the sense of dissatisfaction of middle class women with their restricted lives
c. socialist theory
d. a terrorist conspiracy

2. One response of poor women to insufficient and inadequate resources was to

a. steal what they needed from local stores
b. join a political party to vote better politicians into office
c. bomb abortion clinics
d. organize neighborhood self-help committees and actions

3. For many activists in the 1960s, prisons represented

a. a solution to the rising crime rate
b. an attempt at reform
c. a way for criminals to find redemption and salvation
d. another example of oppression and neglect aimed at a vulnerable population largely Black and Latino

4. A major prison riot took place in 1971 in New York

a. Sing Sing
b. Alcratraz
c. Attica
d. Soledad Prison

5. In the 1960s, prisoners were

a. isolated from the events of the world
b. willing to make statements about the war in Vietnam and other current events
c. unwilling to make statements about the war in Vietnam and other current events
d. consistently racist in their activities

6. The 1887 Allotment Act

a. preserved what was left of Indian land in communal land holdings for the tribe
b. tried to break up the reservations into small plots of individually owned land
c. gave every Indian a 160 acre parcel to farm
d. triggered the massacre at Wounded Knee

7. Members of the American Indian Movement were involved in

a. the seizing of Alcatraz
b. the incident at Oglala
c. the awakening of Indian consciousness
d. all of the above

8. Part of the cultural expression of the 1960s was

a. the informality of dress
b. the widespread experimentation in communal living
c. a revival of traditional religion
d. body piercing

9. Another important target of the protest generation was

a. the school system
b. abortion clinics
c. immigration
d. crime

10. Overall, the decade of the 1960s was a "surprise" because

a. of the number and depth of protests
b. in an era of prosperity, it is rare to see so many protests
c. no one really had much to complain about
d. American democracy allows people to express their concerns through voting not rioting

Quiz on Chapter 9 of Zinn

1. In the early 1970s, the system seemed out of control, according to Zinn, because of

a. the low level of popular trust in the government
b. the assault on American values by Communists
c. the conviction of Angela Davis
d. popular outcry to send troops to stop the spread of Communism in the world

2. Watergate began with the

a. election of Richard Nixon for his second term of office
b. the break into the offices of the Democratic National Committee
c. invasion of Cuba
d. toppling of a 500 foot water tower by an anti-nuclear activist

3. The facts that came out in testimony during the Watergate hearings involved the

a. CIA
b. FBI
c. taking of bribes by high government officials
d. all of the above

4. After Watergate, foreign policy

a. took a dramatic new direction
b. remained the same
c. was more democratically decided
d. broke with ties between government and corporate interests

5. The significance of the Mayaguez affair was that it

a. served as the excuse for getting the United States into the war in Vietnam
b. ended the involvement of Cambodia in Vietnamese affairs
c. brought Vietnamese refugees to safety in the United States
d. showed that American "will" had not been defeated by the Vietnam War

6. The Congressional Committee led by Frank Church uncovered links between

a. the Soviet army and high government officials in Washington
b. the CIA and Fidel Castro
c. the CIA and American academics, including administrators, faculty members and graduate students
d. the Black Panther Party and the Viet Cong

7. In the process of removing a president

a. the matter is decided by a Congressional Committee
b. the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court issues a ruling
c. the House of Representatives impeaches and the Senate tries the president
d. the Senate impeaches and removes the president

8. In his speech to a Business Council, Treasury Secretary William Simon expressed concern about

a. the morality of youth in America
b. the work ethic of immigrants
c. the distrust of the word profit
d. the lack of investment capital

9. The purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to

a. study the effect of increased popular participation on the ability of governments to control the masses
b. propose new ways for people to participate in government decision-making
c. form networks of people to solve social problems
d. establish trade relations between the United States, Germany and Japan

10. Zinn concludes that the "very serious condition" mentioned by the Trilateral Commission was that

a. Germany and Japan were overtaking the United States in manufacturing and trade
b. social problems were not being solved in the United States
c. too many people did not vote in elections
d. the greatest threat to Capitalism was revolutionary movements in the Third World

Quiz on Chapter 14 of Zinn

1. According to Zinn, the differences between Bush and Gore in the 2000 election were evident in their

a. health care plans
b. position on the death penalty
c. support of the military establishment
d. none of the above

2. The third-party candidate, Ralph Nader, was

a. supported by big business
b. shut out of national media campaigning
c. without a national reputation
d. a communist

3. The election of 2000 was determined by

a. the House of Representatives because no one got a clear majority of electoral votes
b. the popular vote in the country
c. the Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote for George W. Bush
d. the electors of the state of Florida

4. The United States Supreme Court's ruling was that

a. the Florida Supreme Court had the right to rule on the electors within the state
b. any recount of ballots in Florida would violate the Constitutional requirement of privileges and immunity
c. any recount of ballots in Florida would violate the Constitutional requirement of equal protection
d. the a failure to have a uniform standard of counting could only be remedied by a new election

5. After the election, according to Zinn,

a. the Democrats took a firm position against both the Bush foreign policy and domestic policy
b. Bush pushed for tax cuts for the wealthy, strict environmental regulations and a bigger military budget
c. the Democrats had little opposition to either Bush's foreign or domestic policies
d. Bush moved to privatize social security and end the Star Wars program

6. When Bush declared a "war on terrorism."

a. Congress invoked the War Powers Act which limited the President's power to send troops into war
b. Congress was divided along party lines in its support of actions in Afghanistan
c. Bush ordered the bombing of Afghanistan which had an immediate effect on the number of terrorists
d. his objective was to apprehend Osama bin Laden and destroy Al Qaeda

7. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Congress passed

a. the Alien and Sedition Acts

b. the National Security Act
c. the Strategic Defense Act
d. the USA PATRIOT Act

8. Critics of the bombing campaign argued that terrorism was rooted in grievances such as

a. the stationing of troops in Saudi Arabia
b. ten years of sanctions against Iraq which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths
c. U.S. economic and political support of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land
d. all of the above

9. Zinn attributes the failure to change from a war to a peace policy to

a. the military-industrial complex which dominates both political parties
b. the failure of diplomacy
c. continued terrorist attacks and threats of attacks on the United States
d. a few misguided political leaders

10. In assessing this final chapter, Zinn has

a. persuaded you of the connections between politics and big business interests
b. not persuaded you of the connections between politics and big business interests
c. convinced you that the democratic principle of the Declaration of Independence depends on the people
d. convinced you that the democratic principle depends on the government

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History: Identify catalyst for the spanish-american-cuban war
Reference No:- TGS01988883

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