
Identify business outcomes and benefits

Please note that in total this project is worth 250 points with the breakdown as follows:

Profile -

Business Case -

Executive Summary -

Since this project is worth 250 points in total, you should give considerable time to this project and be very conscientious of the work that you are submitting. Organization and professionalism are very important factors.


In the Week 7 dropbox for CRM Project, submit the following:
Profile a fictitious company that you will "work in" and will develop a business case for a CRM implementation. Include the following or variations of:
Type and Size: Sole proprietor, private company, corporation, etc. Global, national, local. Number of employees, income, other financial data
Brief Company History
Brief Business Statement (what the company does, business, industry, market sector, product, services, customers, partners)
Strategy: Vision/Mission/Values
Organization Structure and where you fit
Any additional information that may help explain your business case.

Business Case:
In the Week 8 dropbox for Business Case address the following:
Develop a business case for a CRM implementation project using the following framework:

1) CRM Vision - Enterprise-wide view of what will be delivered for the benefit of the entire organization. A CRM vision should engage employees, customers and partners. It should align the project to the strategy of the organization and show the desired customer experience.

2) Opportunity Assessment - Identify business outcomes and benefits expected from the CRM project. May include: business process improvements, strategic benefits, cost savings, etc.

3) Risk Mitigation - Identify any risks that may be encountered with CRM implementation. May include: Lack of executive sponsorship, managing business as usual during implementation, employee apathy.

4) Project Recommendations - Identify multiple recommendations detailing the benefits and risks associated with each; include the

recommendation of staying with business-as-usual.

5) Cost and Timelines - Estimate the cost involved in hardware, software, consulting, training, & operational costs. Schedule the estimate budgets over a period of three to five years.

6) Responsible Parties - Identify the roles and responsibilities defined for the CRM project.

Executive Summary:

In the week 8 dropbox for Executive Summary address the following:

Executive Summary- this section of the business case should be written last. It should be well written and concise, covering the following points: a) Purpose of the document, b) Expected ROI, c) Need for CRM, d) Conclusions and Recommendations and e) Next Steps

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Marketing Management: Identify business outcomes and benefits
Reference No:- TGS01760848

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