
Identify benefits and risks associated with investing in uk


A company has approached you to undertake preliminary investigation on the performance of UK real estate market classes (including, retail, office, industrial, hotel and residential) with a view of making reasonable decisions on how £100m can be invested in the UK real estate market.

The term of engagement requires you to produce a report that:

i. Identify possible benefits and risks associated with investing in UK real estate.

ii. Comment on possible management strategies that can be implemented to mitigate real estate investment risks in the UK.

iii. Critically analyse performance of UK real estate market classes prior and after COVID-19 pandemic.

iv. Develop a portfolio strategy with strong justifications (based on the performance of real estate classes) for allocating £100m into UK real estate asset class.

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Other Subject: Identify benefits and risks associated with investing in uk
Reference No:- TGS03237524

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