
Identify at least two theoretical approaches you could apply


Reid is a 57-year-old male who has come to residential treatment for opiate drug abuse. He is a farmer who was injured two years ago on his tractor and has chronic pain in his neck and shoulder. He states that the only way he can continue to support his family and maintain the farm is through the use of his pain medication; however, his doctors do not listen and when they cut his prescription a year ago, he did not know what to do. For him, not working on the farm was not a choice. He stated he was very tired last week and was going on 48 hours without sleep during the busy calving season. He lost track of how many pills he had taken so he ended up in the hospital with an overdose. He states he fears failure as a result of his father abusing him as a child. Reid stated that his dad always was sure to let him know how useless he was and that he would never be successful. Reid refuses to let that happen. For your discussion post, address the following: Identify at least two theoretical approaches you could apply to this case.

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Reference No:- TGS03294897

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