Identify at least two of the common logical fallacies in

Define ethos, logos, and pathos.

Readers comment from article: Identify at least two of the common logical fallacies in the reader comments. Ethos, logos, and pathos?

The shooting showed us that the majority of people in our country are really good people. They put their own lives aside to rescue total strangers. So, that being the case, how is it that Democrats and Republicans cannot work together to come up with health care and a solution to this horrible gun problem in our nation? I just don't understand it. People are people, why don't politicians fall into that catagory? Why does the healthcare of the American people and the protection of the American people have to be a controversial subject? So much so, that we, the people, are made to suffer for the egos of the politicians.

From the day I registered to vote, I registered as an Independent. I have never once regretted that decision. I am ashamed of all the politicians in both parties. They risk the American way, as we once knew it, for money, greed and power.

I think the 'Trump' way of firing is right on. I think every member of the Democratic party and Republican party should be fired and we should start all over again with leaders who actually care about the American people.

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Dissertation: Identify at least two of the common logical fallacies in
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