
Identify at least two areas of operations management that

Introduction to Operations Management Project

This is the discreption of the project below. I'm an international student so please use a basic english. it's two part project:

1. 4 powerpoint slides
2. 3 pages report douple spaced

The professor is strict so please be sure to use orginal work and be on time.

Look at the description below for more details.

Business Presentation

• Select a company and provide the history and background of the organization.

• Identify at least two areas of operations management that the business handles well. Think about the topics we have covered in the chapters and relate them to the company you have chosen. Illustrate your findings specific examples and any visual materials (charts, graphs, documents) that support that information.

• Describe an area of operations that you believe the company could improve upon and detail how they might go about making changes to their organization.

• Summarize your opinion of the company's operations management procedures.

You are to prepare an oral presentation of this information that is no more than 5 minutes long. Put together a power point presentation of approximately 4 slides outlining your findings.

In addition, you need to turn in report on the day you present. The report you should be 3 pages, double-spaced. Identify any sources you use for your information.

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Operation Management: Identify at least two areas of operations management that
Reference No:- TGS01705591

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