
Identify at least three different topic areas or data sets

1. Identify at least three different "topic areas" or "data sets" of questions asked by the survey or three ways of categorizing the survey by analyzing what questions it asks and what data those questions will elicit. Are these valid questions or data sets?

2. What specific patterns are you seeing in this data? Provide three examples.

3. What specific divergences (differences or contradictions to the pattern) are you seeing? Try to provide two examples.

4. What specific anomalies (abnormal or odd data that does not fit the pattern) are you seeing in this data? Try to provide one example.

5. Can you find any Confounding Variables (Risk factors that affect the results of a study)? Try to provide 2 or 3 different examples.

6. Are there any false connections between causation (an action or occurrence can cause another such as smoking causes lung cancer) or correlation (such as smoking is correlated with alcoholism)? If one action causes another, then they are most certainly correlated. But just because two things occur together does not mean that one caused the other, even if it seems to make sense.


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Other Subject: Identify at least three different topic areas or data sets
Reference No:- TGS01280577

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