The problem has been formulated as a linear program, maximize Z=40 x1 + 30 x2 (monthly earning) , subject to : 2x1+4x2 <= 200 (adverising budget) 100x1 + 50X2 <=4000, x1 <=35, x1 & x2=>0 , Q1) what is the optimal soulution for this problem, what the optimal x1 and x2 values and the corresponding earning level? Q2) briefly explain how you would determinte the dual price of the adverising budget constraint. Q3) if the rental limit constraint is decrease from 35 to 23, by how much will the monthly earnings change? Q4) several assumptino must implicitly be made to formulate and solve this problem using a linear program. Identify at least one LP assumption which is violated in this context which may not be appropriate when the decision variables relate to the number of storage units develop.