Assignment Description
Debra Shinder writes, "In fact, many IT pros don't even realize that their jobs involve ethical issues. Yet we make decisions on a daily basis that raise ethical questions." Debra poses the following ethical scenarios
Then there are money issues. The proliferation of network attacks, hacks, viruses and other threats to their IT infrastructures have caused many companies to "be afraid, be very afraid." As a security consultant, it may be very easy to play on that fear to convince companies to spend far more money than they really need to. Is it wrong for you to charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars per hour for your services, or is it a case of "whatever the market will bear?"
You must use the following aspects as headings for your answer.
Marks are allocated as follows:
Aspects Description of the section Marks
Introduction- Introduce the ethical issues in 3-5 sentences
Identification- Identify at least 2 important ethical issues
Aalyse -Analyse the above identified issues
Evaluate/justification- Evaluate the issues and write justification of your evaluation
Conclusion - Write clear conclusion in 2-3 sentences
Reference style Follow APA or IEEE reference style