
Identify at least 4 stages of the movement for running heel

Movement Analysis Project


The paper should be 5-7 pages. Include images and diagrams as needed.

At least three sources with AMA citations. One of the sources may be your textbook.


A 10 minute PowerPoint presentation.


- Video of the movement

- Still pictures of the stages

Both the paper and presentation will include:

Selectand describe a motion or movement to study. This can be a sporting movement (dribbling soccer ball) or an everyday movement (picking up a child).

Identify at least 4 stages of the movement. For running: heel strike, stance phase, toe off, swing phase, etc.

Pick two stages - describe what happens in the subjects body when they go from stage A to stage B. Including joint movements, muscles (which are involved, what type of contraction), and a brief description of the forces (ground reaction, friction, torque, etc.).

Injury: Pick two injuries. For each describe how the movement would change and where the subject would experience pain, discomfort, or difficulty.

At least one of the injuries should be to a muscle.

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Dissertation: Identify at least 4 stages of the movement for running heel
Reference No:- TGS02486480

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