Identify areas of concern as well as areas that you struggle


Write a 1000-1200 page paper on the topic of ethical considerations when conducting an interview as a human service worker. Identify areas of concern as well as areas that you would struggle with as a human service worker. Do not disclose your personal issues, as this is a scholarly paper. However, it is important to identify areas that you believe you need additional support and learning. Similar to the discussion board or classroom, where you should not share your personal issues, an academic paper should demonstrate scholarship and application of the concepts that you have learned. Your paper must be in APA format with a title and reference page. It must be 4-5 pages in content and demonstrate scholarship. You must use a minimum of 2 outside references, your text book could be used as a third. Any late papers will receive a 20 point deduction per day.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Identify areas of concern as well as areas that you struggle
Reference No:- TGS02077374

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