Identify area where you feel you were able to communicate

Assignment: Emergency Simulation

Length: 2 page AMA format-cite all sources

Using the link below, participate in the online public health simulation of an emergency to integrate the knowledge you gained from this course in responding to a hypothetical emergency.

• Dirty Bomb! After the Blast - A Public Health Simulation.

In the simulation, you worked as a public health professional and made decisions relating to communications, coordination, and response. In the assignment,

• Briefly describe your actions in the simulation relating to communications, coordination, and response.

• Consider how these same areas were handled during Hurricane Katrina as described in this week's reading: Case Study Response to Katrina (attached)

• Identify one area where you feel you were able to appropriately communicate, coordinate, or respond in this simulation and contrast your actions to those taken by personnel in Hurricane Katrina in the same area.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

Attachment:- Case-Study-Response-to-Katrina.rar

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Other Subject: Identify area where you feel you were able to communicate
Reference No:- TGS02109392

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