
Identify any potential side effects or possible adverse

Common Herb Chart

Complete the following table.

Directions Using "Herbs at a Glance" .Each learning team member will:

1. Select a herb for appraisal. Do not repeat some else's choice or you will receive a zero for this assignment.

2. Discuss the various therapeutic uses for the herbal in the first column

3. Identify any potential side effects or possible adverse reactions that could occur with the use of the herbal in the Second column.

4. Research and a Summarize of some available scientific studies that provide evidence for efficacy in any of the therapeutic uses you identified, in the third column. If there are no scientific studies, note the absence of good studies.

5. Be sure to cite your sources in the table in apa format

6. Each Learning team member must use 2 sources besides the "Herbs at a Glance" source. Be sure to provide references in apa format on the Reference page.

Name of Herb and Student Therapeutic Use

Cautions and Warnings or Side Effects Scientific Studies That Show Efficacy for Any of the Therapeutic Uses

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Dissertation: Identify any potential side effects or possible adverse
Reference No:- TGS02466046

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