
Identify any potential problems that might arise for human

Erosional Process/Landform INFO:

1. Name of landform

2. Identify the erosional process that makes this landform

3. Identify

4. Describe the steps of the process that forms this landform

5. Identify 2 examples of these types of landforms - provide pictures and location!

6. Identify any potential problems that might arise for human settlements in the vicinity

 Geohazards INFO:

1. Name of geohazard

2. Describe this geohazard- explain what happens!

3. Describe how this is a hazard to humans and why it should be a concern to us

4. What regions are most vulnerable to these events?

5. How is the destructive nature of your geohazard measured?

6. Identify 2 examples of when this geohazard occurred-
give dates, location and briefly describe.

7. Identify 3 ways that humans can protect/prepare themselves for this sort of event.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Science: Identify any potential problems that might arise for human
Reference No:- TGS01069576

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