
Identify any one-to-one relationship

Identify any one-to-one relationship, one-to-many relationship, or many-to-many relationship among the tables.

VendorNo Name Address Phone Balance
1234 XYZ Company 2222 Poyntz 532-6834 400.00
1235 ABC Company A234 Anderson 532-8405 0.00
1236 Farce Company 5432 Sunset 532-8432 1,000.00

Inventory Items (According to the company's purchasing guidelines, each inventory item can be purchased from only one vendor) 
ItemNo VendorNo Description QtyOnHand
888 1234 Widgit 45
889 1234 Thingamajig 100
890 1235 Watsit 1,000

Price List (ItemNo, MinQty, MaxQty, Price) (The company receives a different price for items ordered, depending on the quantity ordered. This file collects and stores information from vendors about these prices for different ranges of quantities, as defined by the MinQty and MaxQty values).
ItemNo MinQty MaxQty Price
888 0 25 45.00
888 26 1,000 43.00
888 1,000 9,999,999,999 40.00
889 0 500 10.00
889 500 9,999,999,999 9.50
890 0 9,999,999,999 5.00

Purchase Orders 
PONo VendorNo Date
222 1235 8/25/03
223 1234 8/26/03
224 1234 8/26/03

PO Items Ordered 
PONo ItemNo Qty OrderPrice
222 890 40 5.00
223 888 100 43.00
223 889 400 9.50
224 888 500 42.00 

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Database Management System: Identify any one-to-one relationship
Reference No:- TGS098850

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