This assignment puts all the pieces of crime analysis together. To complete the totality of the course, you will summarize the crime reports from your crime analysis.
• Utilizing the crime reports, summarize each category of incidents: robberies, burglaries, etc.
o Identify any crime patterns. Explain why these patterns are meaningful in crime analysis.
o Explain how basic statistics are useful in crime analysis. What statistics were used on the crime reports.
o Describe any observations from the reports. Repeat victims, locations, patterns, etc.
o Explain how you used the S.A.R.A model in crime analysis.
• Use this summary to create a crime bulletin. You can use previously submitted reports and maps as needed.
o The crime bulletin should include:
? a map to include all 20 crime reports,
? a chart showing the time of day/day of week analysis,
? ideas for directed patrol or other strategic enforcement, and
? information about your suspect(s) including description, vehicle, or MO.
• Maximum 5 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.
• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.
• At least two resources.