
Identify and present the main conclusions of both arguments

Use standard citation guidelines (MLA, APA, or Chicago) for all entries

Identify and present the main conclusions of both arguments

Identify and present the basic premises of both arguments

Make sure to include any important implicit premises

Present the reasoning to the main conclusion neatly in standard form and in such a way as to make manifest the relationship between premises and conclusions.

The arguments will be inductive (the conclusion will follow from the premises with a certain level of probability) but it may take the form of a kind of sentential or categorical argument you're familiar with. Consider, also, the use of any technical terms and make sure to de

The essay is 2+ pages (500+ words)

Present a clear, explicit, easy-to-spot thesis expressing your informed decision on the topic based on the evidence-at-hand

Your body paragraphs each present a clear and distinct reason from which you arrived at your decision (one reason per paragraph; use topic sentences)

Briefly consider an objection to your argument, one an informed person might make [keep in mind the principles of charity and faithfulness (pp. 83-4)]

Your conclusion is merely a recapitulation of your thesis and the reasons for your thesis (do not include any new information in favor of your thesis)

Here are the topics:

• Is abortion immoral?

• Is it right to prohibit same-sex marriage?

• Should human cloning be banned?

• Is genetic modi

• Should drugs be legalized?

• Is gambling immoral?

• Is af

• Should licensing for handguns be more restrictive?

• Should the death penalty be abolished?

• Is torture ever justi

• Is war ever justi

• Is physician-assisted suicide wrong?

• Does morality require vegetarianism?

• Is a college education useful?

• Should we open our country's borders?

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Term Paper: Identify and present the main conclusions of both arguments
Reference No:- TGS02301909

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