Q1. Who was Camillo Golgi? Who was Santiago Ramon y Cajal? How did their viewpoints differ how nerve cells are interconnected?
Q2. What is the neuron doctrine?
Q3. Identify and know the function of each part of the neuron.
Q4. Know the different neuronal phenotypes
Q5. What different techniques can be used to visualize neurons?
Q6. How are neurons classified?
Q7. What is a synapse? What are the components of a synapse?
Q8. Know the different synaptic phenotypes
Q9. What is myelin? What are the different types of glial cells and what are their roles?
Q10. What is resting membrane potential? How is it measured?
Q11. How do cations and anions contribute to the resting potential?
Q12. Know the various properties of electricity discussed, what do each of them.