
Identify and explain three specific 21st century security

Threats & Countermeasures Project Presentation:

Identify and explain three "specific" 21st century security threats discussed "anywhere" in our textbook. Secondly, identify and relate countermeasures(security strategies, tactics, countermeasures, etc.) to prevent and/or mitigate the specific threats.

Explain each of your three threats in three separate project sections (one for each threat). Each threat section of your project must be "concisely" "titled"with the name of the threat (e.g. Insider Threats; Perimeter Threats; etc.).

Following each threat section, a detailed and "titled" "countermeasures""sub-section" must be included. Each countermeasure should be a third level sub-heading. For example, ABC Threat (heading), Countermeasures (sub-heading), and then each specific countermeasure (third level sub-heading).

Mandatory Project Format (sequence and specific headings):

Slide 1:
Title slide (similar to an APA title page - title, name, date, etc., but no running head)

Slide 2:

Introduction (do not forget to introduce your project)

Slide 3 to as necessary:

Threat #1 - Title a specific "threat" (e.g., Insider Cyber Threats - do use threat #1 or Insider Cyber "Security" - "security" is not a threat; be concise and ensure "Threat is in the title). Do not use locations, vulnerabilities or some other type of general research topic.

Ensure each threat is specific (e.g., employee theft threats, commercial robbery threats, airline terrorism threats, cargo theft threats, insider cyber threats, etc.) and "not" broad/general threats (e.g., internal threats, external threats, terrorism threats, transportation threats, cyber threats, etc.).

Countermeasures (general introduction to your specific countermeasures to follow)

Specific Countermeasure (security strategy, tactic, etc. specific to the identified/discussed threat)

Specific Countermeasure (continue for as many countermeasures you have identified)

Next Slide to as necessary

Threat #2

Countermeasures (general introduction to your specific countermeasures to follow)

Specific Countermeasure (security strategy, tactic, etc. specific to the identified/discussed threat)

Specific Countermeasure (continue for as many countermeasures you have identified)

Next Slide to as necessary

Threat #3

Countermeasures (general introduction to your specific countermeasures to follow)

Specific Countermeasure (security strategy, tactic, etc. specific to the identified/discussed threat)

Specific Countermeasure (continue for as many countermeasures you have identified)

Next Slide

Conclusion (title this section Conclusion) Common point loss for those who omit this slide.

Final Slide/s

References: Use a minimum of six "outside" (non-textbook) credible sources to support your research project. Your final slide will be titled References.

Recall to adhere to the APA for reference formatting: alphabetize(common point loss), only first initials for first names (common point loss), double space references, use a second/third line 0.5" hanging indent, References must have matching in-text citations in the body of your project (and vice versa). Do "not" list only electronic links/websites.

Length Requirements: Each threat and countermeasures section must be aminimum of three slides; maximum of four slides.

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Other Subject: Identify and explain three specific 21st century security
Reference No:- TGS02263745

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