
Identify and explain the significance of the following- the

Identify and explain the significance of the following individuals, ideas, subjects, etc., as they relate to the history of the future. Please write your answers in the space provided. You may consult the course text if you wish, but your answers should demonstrate your own understanding of each subject. All questions are of equal value.

1. Futurology

2. Ossip Flechtheim or John von Neumann or Alan Turing

3. Mathematical probability (in connection with future predictions)

4. The ‘Prisoner's Dilemma' and/or ‘Let's Make a Deal' (aka ‘Goat-Car-Goat')

5. Science Fiction

6. Exponential growth

7. The transhuman condition

8. Time travel and/or the ‘Grandfather Paradox'

9. Deep Blue

10. Technological singularity.

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History: Identify and explain the significance of the following- the
Reference No:- TGS01000377

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