Problem: Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Performance objective:
To test your ability to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities to determine whether they can meet organisational objectives, document how current business operations need to be modified, and list resources required, to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities.
Assessment instructions
Part 1: Review the simulated workplace (Coffeeville) to undertake the project.
Part 2: Read the workplace information on the Appendix 1 to understand the business context.
Part 3: Research marketing opportunities related to the industry.
Part 4: This task requires you to meet with your directors (assessor).
Part 5: Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
Workplace Scenario:
You are the marketing manager for Coffeeville. Over the last few months, you have spent a lot of time considering to device marketing strategies to achieve the café's objectives based on the strategic direction it has set so you could understand the biggest challenges better and address them strategically. Interestingly, one of the top problems listed by you, was attracting more customers. Specifically, local ones. You know what was the most common thing any cafe owner had to say?
"There are way too many cafes around us with very similar menu and pricing options! It's so difficult to stand out in the crowd!"
So, you decided to investigate, identify and evaluate marketing opportunities to determine whether they can contribute to meet organizational objectives. You also decided to document how current business operations need to be modified, and list resources required, to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities.
Your task:
Task 1: Review the workplace information in appendix 1 and relevant simulated workplace documentation and resources and briefly describe the organisation, its products or services and its current markets.
Task 2: Investigate and identify two marketing opportunities to enter new market, with current or new products and two opportunities to introduce new products to your current markets. Consult relevant stakeholders (assessor/fellow trainees as organisational roles specified by your assessor.
Task 3: Analyze and write (document) these opportunities in a report in terms of:
a. their potential contribution to your organisation's business
b. their fit with your organisation's goals and capabilities
c. likely impact on your current business and customers
d. external influences on the financial viability of each opportunity
e. provable return on investment and potential competitors
Task 4: Evaluate required changes to current operations of the café to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities by documenting:
a. what changes needed to current operations for the implementation of the identified marketing opportunity
b. changes needed to maintain current quality of customer service
c. estimate the resources required to make the necessary changes
Task 5: Evaluate and rank these two marketing opportunities in terms of their:
a. Viability
b. Likely contribution to the business
Task 6: Identify and detail the legislation, regulations, codes of practice and national standards affecting marketing operations
Task 7: After completing above activities, meet with your Café directors (your assessor) to communicate viability of making changes to current operations
Task 8: Finalize your documentation of newly identified marketing opportunities and required changes
Task 9: Review the work you have documented to ensure they are complete and
Task 10: Submit the report to your directors for approval (your assessor).
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