
Identify and discuss the main environmental factors facing

Group Case Study Assignment-


Your Group work for a highly respected firm of Management Consultants, specialising in the Australian retail, industrial and resources sectors.

Your firm has been invited by Mr. Richard Goyder, Chief Executive Officer of Wesfarmers Limited, to submit a proposal to assist individual business unit managers understand the principles of environmental management accounting (EMA) in general, and sustainability reporting (SR) in particular. Mr Goyder has decided to do this because at present these issues have primarily been the responsibility of the Corporate Office in Perth and he now wishes to make sure his entire senior executive team are aware of their growing importance to all parts of the company.


Select one of the business units owned by Wesfarmers Limited and write a business proposal to Mr Goyder that addresses all of the following issues:

1. Briefly describes the activities of the business unit that you have selected.

2. Based on Wesfarmers overarching corporate commitment and philosophies regarding the importance of EMA and SR, explain, using examples, the significance of these to the particular business unit that you have selected.

3. Identify and discuss the main environmental factors facing the business unit you have selected and discuss the operational and reputational risks that the business would face in the event that environmental issues and commitment to sustainability are not well managed and transparently reported;

4. Building on your response to 2 and 3 (above) identify the key stakeholders of the business unit and explain how Wesfarmers corporate EMA strategies and SR reporting frameworks could be adapted, extended and/or modified to meet the needs of those particular stakeholders.

4 reference.

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Business Management: Identify and discuss the main environmental factors facing
Reference No:- TGS01380674

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