
Identify and discuss the key differences between the

Question 1.Identify and discuss the key differences between the presidential and parliamentary systems of government. Your answer should include a comparison of electoral processes which brings a party to power, how the executive and his/her cabinet are selected and the checks and balances the legislative branch uses in each system to control the executive branch

Question 2. Traditionally, Political Parties perform six functions in the political process. Identify and explain any four of them. Then identify and explain one way interest groups and political parties differ.

Question 3.In essay form explain how entitlements are different from welfare. Then explain what constitutes a welfare payment and how much welfare accounts for in overall federal spending. Finally, how has Tax Expenditures enabled the US to avoid being labeled a European Welfare State?

Question 4. Examine the Supreme Court. Explain how its members are selected, what consideration if any is given to race, gender or ideology in the selection process, what cases the court predominantly hears, and the difference between judicial activism and judicial restraint.

Question 5. Evaluate Aristotle's six types of government. In doing so, please be sure to list and define thecategorizations. Please then assess how these classifications can be useful today to someone analyzingcurrent governmental structures.

Question 6.Explain the relationship between electoral systems and party systems. Answers should be sure to assessthis question from the perspective of both proportional representation and single-member districts andprovide examples to support your points.

Question 7.The United States has utilized multiple forms of liberalism throughout its history. Please distinguish thespecific characteristics of classical and modern liberalism and outline the evolution of these forms ofliberalism within the United States. Please be sure to include specific historic examples to support yourpoints.

Question 8.Today's world seems to be moving beyond sovereignty and toward supranational leadership to cooperateon issues of global importance. What are some of these issues? How might they be solved throughsupranational cooperation? Does such cooperation impede the sovereignty of independent nations?Please sure to include specific examples in supporting your points.

Question 9.Compare and contrast interest groups and political parties. In your response, be sure to provide examples their similarities and differences. In addition, please assess what advantages interest groups offer that political parties don't and then what advantages d political parties offer that interest groups don't.

Question 10. Since the end of WWII, international relations have been framed by the conflict between liberal governments and communist ideals. Compare and contrast the features of these systems and assess their continued impact on the global community. Please be certain to explain classical and modern liberalism, socialism, and communism within your responses and provide examples to support your points.

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Dissertation: Identify and discuss the key differences between the
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