Art Museum Report Guidelines
You are required to visit an art museum and write a paper about one piece of art you see there.
The report must be at least three FULL pages long, not counting the cover page.
1) Visit an art museum from the list given you by the instructor, or consult with your instructor aboi other museums you may be interested in visiting.
2) Bring back some proof of your visit (a brochure, announcement, etc.) to include with your report
3) Write your paper analyzing ONLY ONE WORK OF ART which you see there.
4) Turn your paper in within a three-ring binder. DO NOT USE PAGE PROTECTORS.
Include a PHOTO of the artwork. Use 14 point type Times or Times Roman font (no Bold).
1) Create a cover page for the beginning of your report (before page 1). Include (in this order): Your name / the name of the museum / the date you visited / artist's name / title of artwork.
2) Begin page 1 by describing where you went and when.
3) Next, describe the ONE WORK OF ART which you are going to analyze. Include: artist's name / title I size I medium I a detailed visual description of the piece.
4) Identify and discuss how the artist used TWO ELEMENTS OF FORM (your choice from the visual elements listed in the text). Give at least two or three specific examples of how each element is used and use appropriate terminology.
5) Identify and discuss how the artist used TWO PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN (your choice from the design principles listed in the text). Give at least two or three specific examples of how each principle is used and use appropriate terminology.
6) Discuss why the artist used these elements and principles and HOW THEY CONTRIBUTI TO THE MEANING (CONTENT) OF THE WORK.
7) You may include some additional information about the history of the artist or the artwork you're discussing, but do not use it as "filler;" keep it to one small paragraph at the most.
The paper must be computer-generated, not hand-written '- Type size: 14 pts -
Font: Times or Times-Roman Double-spaced -
-Left and right margins: one inch Bottom margin: 1.5 inches
ART- Giovanni Battista Gaulli, called Baciccio
(Italian, 1639-1709)
Saint Joseph and the Infant Christ, c. 167o-85
Oil on canvas
Paintings depicting the baby Jesus most often portray Him with the Virgin Mary. In the seventeenth century, however, the cult of St. Joseph grew in popularity as the saint became a model of fidelity to family in his role as husband and father. Crowned with a faint halo, Joseph cradles the Holy Infant in a loving embrace. Their inter- locking forms, and exchange of gaze and gesture, create an emotional immediacy that must have delighted viewers. The painting is a beautiful representation of Italian Baroque devotional art and its appeal to sentiment.
The deeply channeled folds of drapery that envelop the figures are profoundly influenced by the work of sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini, his mentor in Rome. The warm, glowing colors of Baciccio's palette, and the broad, painterly handling, on the other hand, reveal his Genoese background and training.