
Identify and describe the three levels of biodiversity

Assignment Problem:

Read Chapter: Conservation Biology and Global Change, watch the following videos, and answer the questions below.

Ted Ed: Why is Biodiversity So Important?

Q1) Identify and describe the three levels of biodiversity?

Q2) Describe an example of how a lack of species diversity can harm the health of an ecosystem.

Crash Course Ecology: 5 Human Impacts on the Environment.

YouTube video: 5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10

Q3) Give two examples of "ecosystem services" that nature provides for us.

Q4) Identify and explain 2 human impacts on the environment.

Crash Course: Pollution:

YouTube video: Pollution: Crash Course Ecology #11

Q5) Identify two examples of pollution and describe how they negatively impact the planet.

Q6) Why is there a "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico?

Crash Course: Conservation and Restoration Ecology.

YouTube video: Conservation and Restoration Ecology: Crash Course Ecology #12

Q7) Why are some conservation biologists focused on populations with small populations?

Q8) Define "minimum viable population".

Q9) Why are some conservation biologists focused on populations with declining populations?

Q10) What is a risk of using biological augmentation to fix an ecological problem (consider the Cane Toads of Australia)?

Minue Earth: How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?

YouTube video: How Do Greenhouse Gases Actually Work?

Climate Science: What You Need To Know

Climate Science: What You Need To Know By Be Smart

Q11) Why does the earth have a livable climate while the moon does not?

Q12) Why is it unlikely that changes in solar activity are causing the planetary warming that we currently see?

 Q13) How do we know that the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere is a result of the burning of fossil fuels?

Q14) When CO2 reacts with H2O, it creates H2CO3 (carbonic acid).  As such, increasing atmospheric CO2 has led to acidification of oceans.  Why is this bad?

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Biology: Identify and describe the three levels of biodiversity
Reference No:- TGS03211344

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