
Identify and describe the theoretical concepts and


This assignment requires students to develop and justify an appropriate strategic recruitment and selection process/plan for a specific position (we provide you with the position and relevant information about the position and the hiring organisation).

Through your report you should, therefore, demonstrate that you can:

- Identify and describe the theoretical concepts and processes of strategic recruitment and selection;

- Interpret and analyse research in a critical manner; and

- Justify your rationale for applying the theoretical concepts and processes of HRM practice.


As the HR Manager for OzStyle4U , you have been asked to generate a report document, which will support the effective and equitable employment of a suitable staff person in the role of Store Manager - Hobart. In particular, you are required to develop a strategic recruitment and selection plan to guide OzStyle4U.

The Queensland company - OZStyle4U - requires an effective recruitment and selection process for the employment of its first Store Manager in its Tasmanian ‘flagship' store scheduled to open in Hobart in 12 weeks' time. This is a full-time, ongoing position with career development opportunities. External recruitment is necessary, as no internal candidates have been found suitable or available for the position; and it is desirable to have the new manager commence within 9 weeks if possible.

The aim is to allow the new appointee to receive a full induction into the organisation, and to participate in the recruitment of new store staff. The position description is below.While OzStyle4U has a succession management plan in place, there are no internal candidates suitable for the position and therefore external recruitment is necessary. OzStyle4U's recruitment is undertaken in-house by the HR Manager; therefore, external recruitment agencies are not used.

Assessment taskIn your role as HR Manager for OzStyle4U, you have been requested to provide a report that describes and justifies the process of a strategic recruitment and selection plan for the hiring of the Store Manager - Hobart.

In order to write this report, you will need to draw on the theories and concepts presented in the prescribed text and research the literature on recruitment and selection processes to incorporate a minimum of eight (8) refereed/peer reviewed journal articles dated 2000 or later throughout your report to provide an academic justification for your arguments.

Additional academic literature and the prescribed textbook may be referenced in addition to the minimum eight (8) refereed/peer reviewed journal articles. Magazines, web sites and Internet sources are not to be used. It is important to use refereed/peer reviewed journal articles as they

(i) provide a theoretical framework to understand information,

(ii) test assumptions and observations made about people and processes, and

(iii) are a reliable and validated source of accurate information.

1.0 Using this format Introduction(Include introduction text here)

2.0 Pre-recruitment

2.1 Business strategy(Include information about the business strategy and staffing implications here. Remember the key is to briefly identify the business strategies, but focus on how the staffing implications support the business strategies)

Table 1. Business strategy for specified organisationBusiness strategy Priority(P = primary;S = secondary;NA = not applicable) General staffing implications(to be completed for all four strategy options)Cost leadership Efficiency focus, adaptable, trainable, wiling to follow standardised proceduresDifferentiation (quality) Top research talent, entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, high tolerance for ambiguityGrowth Future oriented, flexible (willing to assume multiple roles), willing to take controlled risks
Specialisation Adaptable, learning oriented, networking skills, customer relations skills, emotional resilience, fit with company culture

2.2 Human resource strategy, staffing strategy and the talent philosophy(Include written part about the nine elements of the staffing strategy. Think about how the decisions relate to each other and the identified business strategies?)

Table 2. HR/Staffing strategy/Talent philosophyStrategy element General approach by Organisation Particular approach for this position(select one - can select both, but this must be justified)HR perspective Investment Costs Investment / CostStaffing emphasis Proactive Reactive Proactive/ReactiveType of workforce Core Flexible Core / FlexiblePosition focus Critical General Critical / GeneralLabour market Internal External ExternalSkill acquisition Train Select Train / SelectTalent management Replace Retain Replace / RetainSkills focus Person-Job fit & KSAOs Person-organisation fit & Competencies Person-Job fit / Person-Organisation fitStaffing decisions HR Manager(Centralised) Hiring Manager (Devolved) HR Manager / Hiring Manager

2.3 Job requirements(Include information about the job requirements - job specification and person specification. Remember to explain what information informs the job requirements matrix and how the job requirements matrix information is used throughout the recruitment and selection plan)

Table 3. Job requirements matrix for specified positionJob specification Person specificationDuty Tasks Importance of duty(%) Time spent on duty (%) KSAO/Competency Importance of KSAO/Competency to performance(1 = Low, 10 = High;E = essential, D = Desirable) * Add extra rows if necessary.

3.0 Recruitment

3.1 Employee value proposition(Include information justifying the EVP here. It is important to justify the organisation's contribution using some form of market research identifying industry averages or the average competitors are offering)

Table 4. Employee Value Proposition for specified positionItem Focus(Job-related/Organisation-related/Person-related) Type (Intrinsic/Extrinsic) Organisation contribution Employee contribution To which applicants might it appeal * Add extra rows if necessary.
3.2 Recruitment communication(Include information about the recruitment advertisement. Explain and justify how it was developed)

Table 5. Recruitment communication for specified position(Specify the key information about the specified position and EVP to be included in any advertisement - 200 words maximum)

3.3 Sourcing(Include information about sourcing and the sourcing effectiveness analysis decisions made. Justify the sources in relation to organisational requirements. For example, thinking of the business strategy and the organisation's situation - are there any requirements relating to type of applicant, speed, cost, or quality of the applicant?)

Table 6. Source effectiveness analysis specified positionSource(list in order of importance) Type of applicant(Active/Passive/Semi-passive) Average speedFast/Medium/Slow Cost per hire(High/Medium/Low) Expected applicant quality(High/Medium/Low) * Add extra rows as necessary.

4.0 Selection

4.1 Assessment plan(Include information about the assessment plan and the assessment method choices. Don't forget to justify your choice of predictors - see the comparison of external assessment methods (textbook - page 257)

Table 7. Assessment Plan for specified positionCharacteristic(Selection Criteria) Importance of characteristic to job performance(1 = Essential;=2 = Desirable) Select (S)Train (T) ‘Predictor 1'*(indicate if hurdle or compensatory) ‘Predictor 2'*(indicate if hurdle or compensatory Panel Interview x(y)# * For each column, replace the word ‘predictor' with the name of the assessment technique you propose to use and add extra columns to cover the number of predictors you propose to use (in addition to the Panel Interview). The predictor columns should be arranged in the sequence in which the named assessment techniques will be used. Add extra rows as necessary.# x = number in sequence for the specified criteria; (y) = weighting

4.2 Panel interview questions(Explain how the interview questions were constructed and why)

Table 8. Panel Interview questions for specified positionInterview question Question type (Behavioural/Situational) Selection criteria Answer(Include three model answers for each question as examples of three types: Good; Satisfactory and Poor) Answer scoring(Good = 10;Satisfactory = 5Poor = 1) * Add extra rows as necessary.

4.3 Choosing and hiring candidates(Include choices about choosing candidates)

Note: In the past, some students have discussed choosing and hiring as part of the assessment plan, essentially referring to the choices between hurdles/compensatory/combination along with the assessment plan.

5.0 Conclusion(Include conclusion text here)

6.0 References(Include references here)

Note: References are usually started on a new page And Harvard referncing

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HR Management: Identify and describe the theoretical concepts and
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