
Identify and describe the consultation theory model and

For this assignment, imagine you have been contacted by an agency in your community to provide consultation on how they might improve their services to clients. The agency is concerned that clients with serious counseling issues are "falling between the cracks" when they are referred to others in the community for intensive treatment. Furthermore, the brief aftercare they provide is not accessible enough to sufficiently support clients as they re-integrate into the community.

Community is Wisconsin

1. Describe the agency that is requesting consultation, specifying where their services are located within the continuum of care available in the community. Briefly outline the services they provide, such as outpatient services, inpatient services, partial hospitalization, or aftercare, and describe the other professionals or entities to whom they can refer clients for coordinated care.

2. Identify and describe the consultation theory, model, and strategies you would propose use to assist the agency in improving coordinated services for their clients.

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Operation Management: Identify and describe the consultation theory model and
Reference No:- TGS02589048

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