
Identify and describe purposes of sentencing and corrections


I. Identify and describe the purposes of sentencing and corrections.

II. Readings on sentencing guidelines and peruse this reading, "What Are Sentencing Guidelines?" for a review, including what sentencing guidelines are, why they were implemented, and the three major forms of sentencing structures (indeterminate, determinate, and mandatory).

III. Research a jurisdiction (state or federal) that you are interested in learning more about with regard to sentencing structures. You may find these websites on Key Elements-Sentencing Guidelines Resource Center and Jurisdictions (profiles by state) helpful in your research.

IV. Identify the jurisdiction that you located and its related sentencing structure (for example, guidelines).

V. Based upon the jurisdiction that you located, Identify and discuss three separate points of interest with regard to your identified jurisdiction's sentencing structure.

VI. Consider the four purposes of sentencing and the discussion in the module readings about how sentencing structures have evolved (for instance, with regard to the implementation of mandatory minimums). Which of the four purposes of corrections aligns with your jurisdiction's sentencing structure? Discuss, providing evidence from the readings and your research to support your discussion. Note that there could be more than one relevant purpose.

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