
Identify and define the strands of development pies provide

Human Growth & Development

Part 1:

Q1. "You cannot predict the outcome of human development. All you can do is like a farmer create the conditions under which it will begin to flourish." - Sir Ken Robinson. How does this relate to varies theories of human development? Use examples and related to theories in your answer.

Q2. "Attachment to a baby is a long-term process, not a single, magical moment. The opportunity for bonding at birth may be compared to falling in love--staying in love takes longer and demands more work." T. Berry Brazelton. How does this relate to varies theories of attachment? Use examples and related to theories in your answer.

Q3. Agents of socialization provide critical information for children to function as members of society. Identify at least three (3) agents of socialization and how each of them contributes to socialization. Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Q4. Write short notes on any five of the following (use examples to illustrate your answers):

i. neuroscience
ii. brain wiring
iii. pruning
iv. Pituitary Gland
v. Community Supports
vi. Morality
vii. active rebellion
viii. Environmental Pollutants
ix. Maternal Nutrition
x. Toxoplasmosis
xi. The Role of the Unconscious

Part 2:

1. What is the difference between human growth and development?

2. What are the characteristics of development?

3. What is a family?

4. Identify and define the strands of development (P.I.E.S). Provide an example for each type of development.

5. Define nature and nurture. Explain how both nature and nurture play a role in human growth and development.

6. Four major theorists have been discussed in this unit -- Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, Kohlberg and Bronfenbrenner. Whose theory, in your opinion, best explains this stage of human development and why? Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Part 3:

Q1. How is the brain "wired"? What are "windows of opportunity" in relation to brain development? What happens to the brain when it doesn't get the things it needs?

Q2. What are the impacts on the child as a result of the following having an impact on the mother's health: (write short notes on any 5)

• Rubella
• Environmental Pollutants
• STDs
• Toxoplasmosis
• Medical Care
• Stress
• Alcohol or drugs
• Smoking
• Prescription Drugs

Q3. Environmental deprivation has drastic negative consequences on ‘normal' development. In A child was deprived of the following:

• attachment & bonding,
• social interaction,
• play,
• roper healthy nutrition,
• regular exposure to language
• verbal communication.

For each type of deprivation mentioned, identify a minimum of two potential negative consequences on any area of growth and development (discuss impact on any 3 of above deprivations).

Part 4:

Q1. What is bonding and attachment? When and how does bonding and attachment happen? Why is bonding and attachment important?

Q2. The attachment theories of three main psychologists have been discussed in this unit. These are Bowlby, Harlow and Ainsworth. Whose theories, in your opinion, best explain the concept of attachment and why? Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Q3. Play throughout the lifespan helps to promote growth and development in different ways. Identify two examples (from any type of development) of how play helps development in each stage in the life cycle.

Q4. Explain the various Parenting Styles as discussed in the unit.

Part 5:

Q1. What is socialization? What role does the family play in socializing its members? How do schools influence socialization? Does the media influence socialization?

Q2. Identify the agents of socialization and how they impact a person over time.

Q3. Short Notes. Explain the influence of any five (5) of the following:

• Birth Order
• Parental Relationships
• Transition to Parenthood
• Gender Development
• Family Models
• Self Esteem
• School
• Peers
• Globalization
• Media & Technology
• Community Supports

Q4. Discuss the role of School as an agent of socialization. Include examples and references to different life stages, course work, placement, and personal experiences.

Part 6: Issues in Human Growth and Development


You will choose a topic/issue in human growth and development - it may be an issue discussed in class, or one of your own choosing. It may NOT be a topic that you have previously completed a project on.

1. Identify the issue and the developmental stage to which the issue is most relevant (some issues may touch several developmental stages, but please focus on just one stage for this assignment).

2. Connect this issue to a developmental theory or framework discussed in class, and explain how this theory is related to the issue.

3. Explore the growth or development issue in greater depth - use the research plan to guide your research and help focus your topic to determine what aspect of the topic you will examine.

4. You will present the results of your research (which may include primary sources such as surveys, questionnaires and interviews as well as secondary sources) in both an oral presentation and written presentation. You will choose how your work will be divided between these two components.

PRODUCT: There is a written and oral component to this product. The general expectation is a 5-7 minute presentation, and a written product that represents an approximately 2000 word essay.

You may choose to scale up or down in terms of your oral presentation - a longer oral presentation will result in a smaller written product and a shorter oral presentation will result in a larger written product. If you chose to demonstrate your learning with a product that is more of a "thing" you will need to provide a smaller written component outlining the theoretical connections.

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Biology: Identify and define the strands of development pies provide
Reference No:- TGS01406598

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