
Identify and define the criminal enterprise identify the

Bi-Weekly papers are assigned and due in Weeks 2, 4 and 6. Each paper is worth 10% of your grade.

From the readings and individual research you conduct, write and submit a formal, objective academic research paper in which you critically analyze one of the major criminal enterprises (i.e., types of crimes) that are commonly engaged in by many transnational crime groups today.

Examples of these enterprises are: drug smuggling and distribution; human slavery and trafficking; sex slave trade, including prostitution; weapons sales and smuggling; cyber-crimes; financial and economic crimes; illegal immigration; extortion; theft rings; identity theft; murder for hire; etc. You are not limited to this list.

The paper must provide a summary of the history of that enterprise, what criminal groups have traditionally engaged in it, any changes in the magnitude and manner in which the enterprise is conducted in recent years or decades, target customers and victims, success or failures of law enforcement, and your perspective on what steps are necessary to combat this crime operation globally and within the United States.

Specifically, the paper should meet the following criteria requirements:

Identify and define the criminal enterprise. Identify the originating country or countries of this criminal operation.

Describe the historical origins of this crime.

Identify the different transnational crime groups that historically engaged in this enterprise, as well as those that are prolific in it today.

Provide a short literature review of what you have learned about this enterprise.

Provide one or more criminological theories that best describe and explain the nature of this enterprise, and reasons for its existence (for instance desire for illicit drugs or sex by members of the public).

Provide a short summary of the global trends and impacts of this crime from a global threat perspective, including where relevant:

Society Politics Economy Security Formulate approaches and collaboration techniques to ameliorate the enterprise and activities associated with it.

The paper should be four (4) to six (6) pages, double spaced, and approximately 2,000 to 3,000 words. This does not include title page, table of contents and source references (all of which are required). The paper must be APA compliant, including source references.

All pages must have page numbers, as well as an introduction and conclusion, titled as such, and main body and sub-sections with appropriate titles.

Title page must be APA compliant, and include student's name, program and course, instructor name, university and date.

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