Read each one -stay on topic-label each one
1 -apa- 250 words
Networks have changed the way we communicate and share resources in a number of ways. Shared resources are a definite advantage of networking. What do you feel are the most important benefits and drawbacks of shared resources and information? Why? List some examples of your own life experiences.
2 apa-250 words
Identify and define several examples of social networks. What are some of your favorites, and why?
3. apa-250 words
Discuss decision support systems (DSS) and its key characteristics and capabilities. Can you provide an example of when DSS is used?
4. apa-250 words
If you were interested in data analysis, calculations, chart management, data management, and automation of common events, which would be more appropriate to use, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access? Why did you choose the answer you did? This is a trick question, so read the question carefully.