
Identify and critically evaluate the organisations approach

Select an organisation with which you are familiar to be the case study. This could be:

your current employer
a previous employer
an organisation that you have or have had contact with, possibly through work experience or through a family member or close friend, or
an organisation you have an interest in that has readily available information on its structure, the ways in which they manage their staff and how the company organises its HRM activities and functions.

The size and the structure of your chosen organisation is not important. All organisations employ people and, therefore, manage their human resources' in some way. What is important, however, is that you have some knowledge and understanding of the approach the company strategically manages HRM to recruit, retain and manage their staff and how they organise their HRM activities and functions.

Task 1: Strategic perspectives of HRM

Critically assess the extent to which HRM is linked to organisational objectives and also how HR practices manage the relationship between employees and the organisation. Does the organisation demonstrate ethical and socially responsible principles to manage these relationships and shape their objectives?

Task 2: Recruitment and selection

Identify and critically evaluate the organisation's approach to recruitment and selection. Evaluate the stages of recruitment the organisation undertakes, its selection methods and identify any legal aspects that should be considered.

Task 3: Employee performance and reward

Critically assess the methods used by the organisation to measure employee performance and reward strong performance.

Task 4: Learning and Development

Critically review the approach to learning and development used by the organisation. To what extent does this support the strategic direction of the organisation?

Task 5: Critically assess the employment relations practices that are available, and used within the organisation and the extent to which these contribute to employee engagement.

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Other Subject: Identify and critically evaluate the organisations approach
Reference No:- TGS01126392

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