
Identify and analyzes the key characteristics that comprise

1. Identify and analyzes the key characteristics that comprise a smart business network.

2. How do these characteristics better enable organizations and processes to respond to change?

3. Evaluate the authors' proposal for a new business network approach rather than the traditional value chain approach.

4. What role would a Networked Business Operating System (BOS) have in utilizing this new approach?


1. This is an assignment for analysis of a journal article with personal understandings

2. Read the attached PDF file before start the work, the writing must be based on PDF file

3. The style must be:

• A brief summary or assessment of the original article and particular on the arguments or authors' assertions (number of words within 150).

• Please note there is no need to say the purpose of writing is paper, such as the aim of the paper is to .....; since this is a known analysis assignment.

• Subtitles of the answers based on the above questions and implication, personal understanding or views can be addressed.

• Deep analysis and evaluationwith suggestion

• Hit the points on the critical points / strategies and do not miss any important items.

• Real time examples that link to the analysis if applicable from your own experience

• Conclusion / Summary (must include a conclusion in the end)

• Do not use direct citation from any resources, rewriting is required.

4. Deep analysis, evaluation to the view point / strategy, the writing must be on depth. General analysis is not acceptable.

5. Referencing (in text citation) should be evident in the discussions.

6. Using Harvard style with detailed information for citation and referencewithin the content and a reference list in the end, for example (Oakland, 2003, p.213).

7. Real time examples from your own experience or appropriate cases you know with discussion, it is recommended to choose a MNE as an example for a common understanding.


Slack, N., Chambers, S. & Johnston, R. (2010).Operations management. 6th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.

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Strategic Management: Identify and analyzes the key characteristics that comprise
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