
Identify and analyze the key contentions with respect to


*Attempt only 2 questions.
*Question # 1, Section A, is compulsory.
*Choose one more question from Section B.
*Both sections weigh equally, at 50 points, each.
*Keep your answers clear, concise and analytical.
*Address your responses to the specific demands of each question.
*Illustrate your answers with apt references, and cite bibliographical sources.
*Your answer script must include your name, and section slot (meeting time).
*No excuses, late or electronic submission of answer scripts would be accepted.
*Collate, staple and limit your responses to 3-4, double-spaced, 12-pitch font pages per question.


1) Identify and analyze the key contentions with respect to Human Rights in Africa, in ways that go against simplistic understandings of the issues involved and the continent.


2) Discuss the factors that shape the status of women in Africa, and the reference points through which African women formulate their own type of feminism.

3) Explore the unique features of African Art and what may be considered Africa's contributions to global art history and cultures.

4) Trace the roots of Pan-Africanism, the various factors that shaped it and reasons for its seeming decline as an idealized political project.

5) Attempt a definition of the African Diaspora; then, examine the circumstances of its emergence, and the significance of history, culture, race, and identity to its members.

6) What attributes, according to Azevedo, define traditional African notions of family and what contemporary influences, in his and other opinions, are transforming those features.

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English: Identify and analyze the key contentions with respect to
Reference No:- TGS01610437

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