Apple Inc. in 2010 By DAVID B. YOFFIE and RENEE KIM
Critical Thinking Framework for Case Study
Critical thinking: the capability to identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments as they occur in one’s own and others’ work; and to develop well-reasoned arguments.
Two facets of critical thinking:
- Logical Reasoning skill
• Inference, recognition of assumption, deduction, interpretation, evaluation of arguments
- Critical problem solution skill
• Thoroughly evaluate facts, identify the root cause of problem(s), and provide actionable solutions to the root problem(s).
Case Study Model
I. Foundation (general analysis)
- General analysis – SWOT
• Conduct general external and internal analysis use either a “five-force” and “resource based” model, or take the route of SWOT analysis
- Analyze stakeholders affected by these issues
• From each key stakeholder’s point of view, establish their goal, identify the potential conflicts
II. Problem Identification (case problem analysis)
- Examine issues presented in case, list the “symptoms” appearing in the case
- Analyze the causes of the issues identified, using different stakeholder’s points of views (POVs), to identify a root cause of the issues, which is the key “problem” of the case
• Without proper problem (root cause) identification, it will be hard to logically establish solutions in later steps.
Case Study Model (cont.)
III. Problem solution (formulation):
- Divergent thinking:
• Generate alternatives (at least two) using different stakeholders perspective to solve the root problem;
• Elaborate each alternative with potential results and how it affects all key stakeholders;
- Convergent thinking:
• Analyze and evaluate the benefits/costs/risks of each alternative,
• Compare and make a choice of one alternative to recommend as a solution
IV. Reflection (implementation):
- Create an action plan based on recommended solution;
- Reflect on your decision making process, and discuss possible outcomes.
5-10 pages (excluding title page or reference), 11pt, double space. Title page required. Headings required for each section.