
Identify an it issue or topic with ethical andor social


Information Search & Evaluation

Word Limit: 1,200 - 1,500 words.

Aim: Assessment aims to develop your skills in searching for and evaluating information that will later form the basis of your Assessment.

Task - In this assignment, you will:

?Identify an IT issue or topic with ethical and/or social dimensions. (Your workshop lecturer or tutor will assist you choose your topic).

?Post a short question about the topic on UTS Online. Make sure the question has two or more sides to it, and is not obvious.

?Locate 4 articles relevant to the issue or topic and of a su?ciently high quality to support an academic discussion. The articles will be presented in a Bibliography using Harvard Referencing style. You must source articles from at least 2 di?erent academic databases.

?Select 2 of the 4 articles you have located:

?Summarize the main points of each of the 2 articles in relation to the chosen issue or topic.

?Evaluate the 2 articles, according to key criteria (relevance, reliability, accuracy, bias, completeness and timeliness) to assess their relevance to the chosen topic and their suitability to support an academic discussion. The evaluation will be presented both in paragraph form and in a table.

?In a ?nal concluding paragraph, try and make sense of the sources you've selected and their relevance to your topic: are they worth relying on, what are their strengths, and what will you use them to show.

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Other Subject: Identify an it issue or topic with ethical andor social
Reference No:- TGS01119047

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