
Identify an early childhood program



Your first assignment takes you into an early childhood program! What will you find: aluxury option or standard equipment?

The overall objective is for you to compare quality standards to practices observed in an early childhood education program. When you have completed your observation, you will utilize the developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) guidelines and quality criteria (from readings and
resources) to analyze your gathered data. You will submit two products:

1) a completed observation: Use the given Observation and Analysis Tool.

2) a written analysis of your observation: You have a choice to submit your written analysis in one of two formats. For either format, you must submit Title and References pages.

a) Complete the "Analysis" section of the combined Observation and Analysis Tool -- OR --

b) Write your analysis as a paper. It should be 3 to 4 double-spaced, APA formatted pages.

The Title and References pages will make this a 5 to 6 page document.

You have four weeks to complete this assignment. Here are the guidelines, steps, and expectations for successful implementation and completion.

Two Options:

Option 1: On-site ECE Classroom Observation

Visit an early childhood education program to conduct a classroom observation for a minimum of two (2) hours. Analyze findings and present a written paper.

Option 2: Two ECE Video Observations

View two videos of early childhood classrooms from the given selection (below). Analyze findings and present a written paper.

Instructions for Option 1: On-site ECE Classroom Observation and Analysis

Unit 1:

Identify and begin arrangements to visit an early childhood program for a minimum of two (2) hours.

Program options include: center-based (NAEYC-accredited and/or Head Start preferred), family child care home, or elementary school (Kindergarten through 3rd grade).

A letter explaining the purpose of the observation is provided for you to give to the program.

Foundations of Early

Childhood Education

Classroom Observation and Analysis

Unit 2:

Confirm the observation with the site.

Prepare for the classroom visit:

1. Reflect on what you are learning about key indicators of high-quality child care and developmentally appropriate practice.

2. Review the NAEYC "Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment".

3. Read and become familiar with the "Classroom Observation Tool".

You are looking for signs of quality, applied theories, one or two specific approach(es) and developmentally appropriate practices. Your completed observation tool should include all of the following information. Feel free to collect information beyond the items listed on the observation tool.

a. Name and location of program

b. Type of program (i.e., publicly-funded, private, corporate, non-profit, religious, etc.)

c. Number of enrolled children, age range, and groupings (e.g., infants, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grades 1 - 3, mixed-ages)

d. Number of staff, their positions, and the ratio of adults to children in the different classes

e. The program's educational philosophy (e.g., theory, approach, curriculum, family engagement).

f. Specific observation location(s) (e.g., indoor classroom or outdoors)

g. Activities and materials available to children

• Ask if there is a written lesson plan that you can read. It may be posted on a bulletin board.

h. Children's interest and engagement in observed activities

i. Nature of teacher-child interactions, child-child interactions and teacher-family interactions

Unit 3:

Conduct the classroom visit.

1. Record your observations on the actual Classroom Observation and Analysis Tool.

Take additional blank paper and use ifnecessary.

Unit 4:

1. Before reviewing your collected data, reflect again on what you havelearned about key indicators of high-quality child care and developmentally appropriate practice. What stands out from the readings, videos and class discussions?

2. Review the class observation data.

3. Prepare and submit the following. You must include Title and References pages.

A. Completed Observation: Use the given observation tool.

B. Complete Analysis: Use either the given analysis tool or write a 3 to 4 page paper.

i. Provide a brief overview of theprogram.

ii. Describe the educational approach, lessons planned and implemented, observed teaching practices, children's engagement in different learning experiences, teacher- child interactions, child-child interactions, and teacher-family interactions. Connect at least two observed experiences to early learning standards.

iii. State how your observation findings compare to what you have learned about quality care and education, DAP, and the Code of Ethical Conduct.

Instructions for Option 2: Two ECE Video Observations and Analysis

You are required to observe two videos and analyze the content according to the given criteria.

Required Steps:

1. Become familiar with the observation tool prior to watching the videos.

2. Select two videos from the seven choices below.

3. When viewing each video, use the assigned observation tool to take notes.

4. Complete both viewings by the end of Unit 3.

5. Critique each video according to the assignment instructions and learned criteria.

6. For each observed video, submit your observation notes and the written analysis.

Video Choices

1. Carlaird. (2016, May 8). Literacy lesson first grade [Video file].

2. North Carolina Rated License Assessment Project (NCRLAP). (2011, February 4). Language for learning: Infants and toddler [Video file].

3. Sandra Levine Productions. (2011, September 6). Part 2: High-quality kindergarten today. The Classroom Environment [Video file].

4. Community Action Commission of Santa Barbara (CAC). (2018). HeadStart Teacher's Training Video

Unit 1:

Review the selection of ECE video options.

Unit 2:

1. Identify two videos. Prepare for your observations.

2. Reflect on what you are learning about key indicators of high-quality child care and developmentally appropriate practice.

3. Review the NAEYC "Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment".

4. Read and become familiar with the "Classroom Observation and Analysis Tool".

You are looking for signs of quality, applied theories, one or two specific approach(es) and developmentally appropriate practices. Your completed observation tool should include all of the following information. Feel free to collect information beyond the items listed on the observation tool.

a. Name of video

b. If provided, type of program (i.e., publicly-funded, private, corporate, non-profit, religious, etc.)

c. Description of children's ages and groupings (e.g., infants, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, first - third graders, mixed-ages)

d. The program's educational philosophy (e.g., theory, approach, curriculum, family engagement).

e. Specific observation location(s) (e.g., indoor classroom or outdoors)

f. Activities and materials available to children

g. Children's interest and engagement in observed activities

h. Nature of teacher-child interactions, child-child interactions, teacher-family interactions

Unit 3:

Complete the two video observations.

1. Record your observations on the actual "Classroom Observation and Analysis Tool". Use additional paper ifnecessary.

Unit 4:

1. Before reviewing your collected data, reflect again on what you havelearned about key indicators of high-quality child care and developmentally appropriate practice. What stands out from the readings, required course videos, and class discussions?

2. Review the data from your observations of both videos.

3. Prepare and submit the complete observation and analysis. You must include Title and References pages.

A. Two (2) completed Observations: Use the given tool.

B. Two (2) completed Analyses: Use either the given tool or write a paper.

For each observed video, complete the following three sections.

i. Provide a brief overview of each video.

ii. Describe: the educational approach, lessons planned and implemented, observed teaching practices, children's engagement in different learning experiences, teacher- child interactions, child-child interactions, and teacher-family interactions. Connect at least two observed experiences to early learning and development standards: one from each video.

iii. State how your observation findings compare to what you have learned about quality care and education, DAP, and the Code of Ethical Conduct.

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Business Law and Ethics: Identify an early childhood program
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